Madaster property set
Last updated: February 07, 2025
When using BIM, properties need to be in a certain format for Madaster to recognize them. More details on the Madaster relevant properties, see our page on Preparing BIM IFC source files. The Madaster property set (Pset) is an aid for using these properties, instead of declaring them independently. Once the Pset is uploaded into a project, a number of parameters can be filled out. There is no obligation to fill out all, however those that are filled out will always be recognized by Madaster first. e.g. If a user filles out the Madaster Pset property “Length”, while the standard BaseQuantity “Length” is also filled out, Madaster will prioritise the Madaster Pset.
Madaster Revit property set (CPset_Madaster)
The files (“01_Revit shared parameter file_Madaster” and “02_User Defined PropertySet_Madaster”) for user defined property sets can be downloaded in the Download Section. The fist file contains the shared parameters that can be loaded into any Revit project, while the second file needs to be selected when exporting a Revit model to properly export the Madaster Pset.
Madaster ArchiCAD property set (CPset_Madaster)
The file (“01_Archicad propertyfile_madaster”) for user defined property sets can be downloaded in the Download Section. This file contains the shared parameters that can be loaded into any ArchiCAD project.