Base de données
Last updated: February 08, 2024
What information is shown here?
On this page you will find all materials and products that are known in these databases, other publicly available databases and all products that you have entered yourself on the platform in your own ‘account’ database(s). In the case of the database of an archive: you will find all materials and products that are linked to the elements in the archived building.
DATABASE: This is where the materials, products and database properties can be processed..
USERS: users or API tokens can be added here.
SHARED WITH: here this database can be shared with other accounts, folders and/or buildings.
The toolbar - under the navigation tabs
- Edit database properties; change the name of the database and set whether this database should be set as default in the upload process;
- Add material; add a new material to this database;
- Add product; add a new product to this database.
- Add user; add a user or invite a new user.
- Add API token; Generate an API token to invite a system as a user.
- Share; here this database can be shared with other accounts, folders and/or buildings.
Main screen
Left margin
On the left hand side you will find a ‘search’ filter at the top. This allows you to search for a name or number in all or the selected sources and supplier data.
Under the closed filter ‘Source’ on the left hand side you will find a list of the available databases with materials and products to which you have access:
- Your own materials and products can be found by filtering on the name of your own account. Other users outside your account will not be able to see the materials you have added, they will only see what they have added themselves. If you want an overview with materials and products that have been added within your account, you can use the filter icon to make a selection of the desired data.
- All materials and products from the Madaster database can be found by selecting ‘Madaster’ in the filter. The Madaster database is visible to every user. This data cannot be changed. Materials and products that have been added themselves can be edited, but this depends on the rights of the user.
- Materials and products from other sources can be found by selecting the relevant source or supplier in the filter.
Type of material/product
At Madaster we have four types of products in addition to materials: Volume, Surface, Length and Piece products. If you do not know exactly what type of product you are looking for, you can select all four types. In that case all products will be shown. If you only want to see materials in the overview you can open the filter ‘product type’. When you then select ‘Materials’ below, you will only see the materials that are known within the Madaster platform.
Main screen
This part of the screen shows all materials and products that meet the search or filter criteria. The columns display the name, the product code, the product type and the supplier respectively. Finally there are two icons: a ‘pen’ icon to modify the material or product, an arrow icon to display information about the material or product.
How do I change material/product data?
If you have rights to edit materials and products, you can see a ‘pen’ icon at the end of the line, behind the material in the main screen. Clicking on this icon will take you to the screen of the material or product in question, in order to edit the data. Change the data you want to change. What cannot be changed with a product is the type of the product. Click on the ‘Save’ button to edit the data and return to the overview.