
Last updated: February 07, 2025

What information is shown here?

On each building level different users can be invited, with three different roles and permissions levels. Here you can invite users, or you can generate a so-called ‘api-key’ to allow another system to access the building as a user. The table shows who has rights to this building. You can select users, roles, and permissions.

How do I add users to a building?

Press the ‘add user’ button Enter the e-mail address of the relevant user. If the user has already registered with Madaster, access will be granted immediately. If the user has not yet registered, an e-mail will be sent to the user explaining how to register. Indicate which role the user should be given and click on ‘Save’. For an explanation of the different roles see the explanation below. The users you add to a building will only have access to this building. Any other buildings within the same portfolio will not be visible to them. Do you want to give a user access to all buildings within one portfolio? Then you can add this user as a user within the portfolio instead of the building.

How can I delete users or change their role and rights?

A user can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon on the right. The role and right of a user can be changed by clicking on the pen icon on the right.

Available roles and rights on building level:

Building level Administrator Manager Reader
View building Yes Yes Yes
Modify building Yes Yes No
Delete building Yes No No
Add and remove users Yes No No
Add and modify materials and products Yes Yes No
Export Material Passport Yes Yes No
Download Material Passport to PDF Yes Yes Yes
Create an archive Yes No No
Create a design of the building Yes No No
Transfer building to another account Yes No No
Split a building Yes No No