Release notes

Last updated: March 10, 2025

This page contains the release notes for 2025.

Release notes 2025.2

  • Build number: 32489
  • Release date: February 22nd 2025

Draft products

It is now possible to put a product in a database in draft when you are still working on it:

Putting a product in draft
Putting a product in draft.

Draft products are active products and have their own filter (publication status). A tag is shown as well to make it clear the product is in draft:

A product in draft in a product overview
A product in draft in a product overview

Draft products cannot be used to link to elements. Once a product has been used in a building it cannot be put in draft again.

Assumed waste codes

If the Madaster platform has assumed waste codes of a product, based on for example the material composition, these will be shown in enrichment:

The assumed waste codes
The assumed waste codes as shown in enrichment

If the assumed waste code is correct it is possible to quickly add it to the element so it is actually connected to the element and will appear in reports:

Adding the assumed waste code
Adding the assumed waste code

Other changes

  • It is now possible to directly generate the technical annex when using the ‘generate report’ button on a building:
Generating the technical annex
Option to generate the technical annex
  • The Madaster ID and external ID are no shown on a product in the platform when the product passport feature is active.

  • It used to be necessary to have detachability filled in before you could fill in the percentage of ‘available for reuse’ on the circularity values of a product. This is no longer necessary.

  • We have updated the 3D functionality so it can work better with big source files.

  • It is now possible to set the following IFC properties in the upload settings:

Name and Type Name in upload settings
Name and Type Name in upload settings

Release notes 2025.1

  • Build number: 31984
  • Release date: January 10th 2025

UI updates

Numerous updates have been made to the user interface in this version. Main and secondary actions can now be found in the same places. This standardises forms and thus contributes to user friendliness.

New interface of forms
Example of the new interface of forms.

Import progress bar

Users get a better insight into how far the upload of an ifc source file to the platform has progressed.

New progress bar
New progress bar showing status of ifc import process.

Technical Annex on elements

In addition to the annex at product level, it is now possible to export a technical annex at element level. This is useful for checking the correct allocation of each element of an ifc file. In addition, you can get more detailed information about what the calculated results are based on.

Country specific

  • For Germany, the lifespan of a building that is taken into account in the environmental calculation can now deviate from the 50 years (specified by the DGNB).
  • Some products in the EPEA database were updated so that they are also available for the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland now.

Older release notes

More information about the releases can be found here: