Last updated: September 05, 2024
What information is shown here?
The total environmental impact of the selected Environmental KPI in the selected LCA phase and the environmental impact per m2 (or per m2.year) are displayed.
When a benchmark is selected, and information is available, the building is compared to others.
Unknown elements are shown to so they can be modified, and in turn included in calculations. Using the dropdowns, environmental impact indicators can be displayed by total, shearing layer, and material/product.
Environmental Impact Indicator
The environmental Impact Indicator is displayed along a building’s lifespan, which consists of the stages described below. Since A1-A3 data is most commonly accessible, it is used to establish comparisons across shearing layers and different buildings.
The building’s life cycle is divided into the following stages:
A1-A3 Manufacturing of Materials and Products : includes the raw material supply, transport, and manufacturing of building materials and products.
A4-A5 Construction of the Building: includes the transport to the construction site, and the assembly of materials and products into a completed building.
B1-B5 Maintenance, Repair and Replacement: includes the use, maintenance, repair, replacement, and refurbishment of materials and products within the building.
C1-C4 End of Life Processing: includes the deconstruction of a building, and the transport, waste processing, and disposal of its materials and products.
D Benefits and Loads beyond the System Boundary: includes the reuse and recycling potential of the building’s materials and products. It is not guaranteed that reuse or recycling will occur in the future, thus stage D is an assumption and not included in full-building calculations.
Environmental Impact Indicator By Shearing Layer
The environmental impact indicator is shown by building layer across all life cycle stages.
Environmental Impact Indicator By Classification
The environmental impact indicator is shown by used top level classificationmethod across all life cycle stages.
Environmental Impact Indicator By Material/Product
The environmental impact indicator is shown by material/product across all life cycle stages. The chart displayed can sorted in to view materials with the largest contribution to each life cycle stage. When shown in 3D, the materials/products are color-coded based on their contribution to the environmental impact indicator. Materials with the largest environmental impact are shown in red, while materials with 0, or even regenerative, impacts are shown in green.
Unknown Elements
Unknown elements are those that were not taken into account during calculations. These can occur for 3 different reasons:
Elements Unlinked : these elements are not linked to material/product database, and thus cannot be reported on.
Elements with Unknown Layer: these elements are missing construction classification information, and thus cannot be assigned to a shearing layer.
Elements with Insufficient Geometry: these elements are lacking sufficient geometry, and thus cannot be used for calculations.