Database Users

Last updated: February 26, 2025

What information is shown here?

On this page you will find the possibility to add or invite users, or generate an API token for linking to another system.

The list of users which explicitly have at least collaborate access to this database. A user can be given explicit rights to collaborate or admin rights on a database (no need to have rights on any other object).

A user has implicit rights on a database, based on his/her rights on a specific object (account/folder/building) and the availabilities of the database on the object (map, copy, collaborate, admin).

Implicit rights:

User has the following rights for Object X Database A is shared with Object X in the roles (or) User has the following rights to database A
Read Map , Copy, Contribute or Manage Read
Manager Map , Copy, Contribute or Manage Above + Map element in buildings under Object X
Manage & Contribute to database or Admin Map Above + Map element in buildings under Object X
Manage & Contribute to database or Admin Copy Above + Copying materials or product from database A into database B (Where one is entitled to make contributions)
Manage & Contribute to database or Admin Contribute Above + Contribute to database A
Admin Mange Above + Manage database A users + Rights to share database A with other objects

The toolbar


  • Add user; add a user or invite a new user.
  • Add API token; generate an API token to invite a system as a user.