Database Shared With
Last updated: February 07, 2025
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The possibily to share this database, with other accounts / folders / buildings. Sharing goes hand in hand with the granting of a certain right to use the materials and products:
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Shared with Sharing; here this database can be shared with other accounts / folders / buildings.
- Map; the user of the account/folder/building with which this database is shared can link (enrich) IFC elements to materials or products from this database;
- Copy; the user of the account/ folder/building with which this database is shared can copy materials or products from this database to another database;
- Contribute; the user of the account/ folder/building with which this database is shared can add materials or products to this database;
- Administrate: the user of the account/ folder/building with which this database has been shared can also manage this database.
A user with Admin rights on this database is able to share the database with other Accounts / Folders / Buildings in one of the possible roles.