Last updated: February 06, 2025
What information is shown here?
This tab contains files uploaded to the specific building. Here you can view, modify and download available files and add new files. Two types of files can be uploaded into the system: source files and general files.
Source files are the IFC and/or Excel files (available at building level), which contain the materials and products used in the building (incl. quantities) and whose content is used to display the results in the various Madaster tabs (e.g. “Performance” tab, etc.).
In the list of source files, a chevron is present on a file line where either older versions are present or an excel export of that file is present.
General document are all other relevant files, which can be added to the building file, such as management and working documents, certificates, guarantees, etc. Finally, the Dossier also shows all material passports created for this building.
How do I upload a new file
Click on the ‘Upload’ button at the top left of the screen. A new screen ‘Add file’ will open. First select the file type you want to upload, where you can choose between a source file (IFC or Excel) or a general file.
How to I upload a new version of an ifc file?
It is possible to upload a new version of an ifc file in order to automatically keep the mapping of the ifc elements of the new version to the same products used which were mapped in the previous version. From the previous version, choose the ‘arrow up with lock’ icon.
The new version replaces the old version in the files overview, the previous version is displayed under it in a subtable which can be shown or hidden using the chevron at the beginning of the file row.
Only one version of the file can be active at the same time.
how do i change/move/download or delete files that have already been uploaded?
Choose the source file you want to modify, download or delete. A number of icons are displayed behind the source file. The arrow icon (1st icon) gives you insight into the quality of the source file and allows you to manually enrich and activate/deactivate the file (for more information see the sections above). Using the 2nd icon you can download the file. The 3rd icon (paperclip) gives you direct access to the enrichment process. Using the 4th icon (pen) you can change the folder/folder of the file and so called ‘tags’ (search terms). The last displayed icon (trashcan) gives you the possibility to delete the uploaded file.
Please note: you cannot undo this deletion action. If you don’t want to use a file for the results of the building, you can also change the status to ‘inactive’ and you don’t have to delete the file. The explanation of this can be found under ‘how do I change the status from active to inactive?
What does the status ‘active’ mean?
For each source file that you have uploaded, you can choose whether this file is active or inactive. An inactive file is not included in the results of the various tabs the building and portfolio and the material passport; an active file is. By default, an uploaded file gets the inactive status (shown by a slider with a grey background in the ‘Active’ column), because first the missing elements have to be linked as much as possible. After you have validated and linked the entered data, you can change this status to active. From that moment on, the file will be included in the results belonging to the building.
Hhow do i change the status of a file?
you can activate and deactivate a source file using the slider button in the ‘Active’ column of the file. This will immediately change the status of the source file.
Where can I find the material passports (pdf-files) i created earlier?
A material passport that you have created in the past is automatically saved in the ‘Dossier’ tab in the ‘Passports’ folder. Clicking on the folder ‘Passports’ will make them visible under the section ‘General file’ (at the bottom of the page). Here you can download the created material passports to your computer by means of the download icon behind the relevant material passport. In addition, you can provide passports with additional search terms (‘tags’) and remove material passports (trash can icon).
When creating a material passport (PDF), an Excel file is also generated and placed in the file. This Excel file shows the general building data, the totals of all elements and the specific elements in the various building envelope per tab. In this way one can apply analyses in the details of a building by means of filtering.
How can I search for files in the file?
In the ‘Dossier’-tab there are two ways to find general and source files, namely via
- the search function;
- ‘tags’. Using the ‘Filter on’-function (on the left below the ‘upload’-button) you can fill in a keyword. Based on your search term, corresponding files will automatically be shown in the file. You can also (under the folder structure) click on one or more tags to filter on them.